
Coming Soon

This autumn, we will be publishing new reports on Organising for Growth: Growing Churches in Number, Depth and Impact and on Three Rivers: Community Organising, Synodality and Catholic Social Teaching


Community Organising and the Local Church reports

People of Power: How Community Organising recalls the Church to the vision of the Gospel

Angus Ritchie, CTC, 2019

Realities are Greater than Ideas: Evangelisation, Catholicism and Community Organising

Dunstan Rodrigues with Angus Ritchie and Anna Rowlands, CTC, 2018

Marching Towards Justice: Community Organising and The Salvation Army

Lieutenants John & Naomi Clifton and Majors Kerry & Nick Coke, CTC, 2015

A companion study guide for use with Marching Towards Justice is here.

A Spanish translation of the report is here.

Heart to Heart: Community Organising and the Power of Storytelling for Churches

Caitlin Burbridge, CTC, 2015


Theology for the Local Church reports

Church Growth in East London: A Grassroots View

Beth Green, Tim Thorlby & Angus Ritchie, with Rt Rev Stephen Cottrell, CTC, 2016

From Houses to Homes: Faith, power and the housing crisis

Edited by Angus Ritchie and Sarah Hutt, CTC, 2016

Grassroots Theologies of Inter Faith Encounter

Julia Ipgrave, CTC, 2015

God and the Moneylenders: Faith and the battle against exploitative lending

Angus Ritchie & David Barclay, CTC, 2013

Just Church: Local Congregations transforming their neighbourhoods

Angus Ritchie, Caitlin Burbridge & Andy Walton, CTC, 2013


Research for the Local Church reports

A Time To Sow: Anglican Catholic Church Growth in London

Tim Thorlby, CTC, 2017

21st Century Stewards: The rise of operational
management in churches and the need for new vocations

Tim Thorlby, CTC, 2017

Carry Each Other’s Burdens: How Churches can better support those serving on the margins

Laura Bagley, CTC, 2017

Assets Not Burdens: Using church property to accelerate mission

Tim Thorlby, CTC, 2017

(Two case studies of churches using buildings for mission: St David’s, Islington & KXC, Kings Cross)

Love, Sweat and Tears: Church Planting in east London

Tim Thorlby, CTC, 2016

Deep Calls to Deep: Monasticism for the City; Experiences from East London

Tim Thorlby & Angus Ritchie, CTC, 2015

Our Common Heritage: Housing associations and churches working together

Tim Thorlby & Alison Gelder, CTC, 2015 (Executive Summary here)

Churches Collaborating for Urban Mission: Learning from the Shoreditch Group

Tim Thorlby, CTC, 2014

Taking back the streets: Citizens’ responses to the 2011 riots

Angus Ritchie & Caitlin Burbridge, CTC, 2013


Other reports

Building Community: Local Church Responses to the Housing Crisis

Miriam Brittenden & Tom Sefton, CTC/Church of England, 2019

Abide in me: Catholic Social Thought and Action on Housing Challenges in England and Wales

CTC/Caritas Social Action Network/Catholic Bishops of England & Wales, 2018

Money Talks: Christian Responses to Debt in the North East and London

CTC/Durham University, 2017

Keeping the faith: A short guide for faith-based organisations

CTC/Theos, 2015

Too Old, Too Young? Theology on the Ambiguity of adolescence and the impact of neglect

Angus Ritchie, Rowan Williams et al, Children’s Society, 2015

Who Bears the Burden? Christian theology and the impact of debt on children

Edited by Angus Ritchie, Children’s Society, 2014 – with worship & Bible study resources

Making Multiculturalism Work: enabling practical action across deep difference

David Barclay, Theos, 2013

From Goodness to God: why religion makes sense of our moral commitments

Angus Ritchie, Theos, 2012

Taxing Theology

in Paula Clifford & Angus Ritchie, The Gospel and the rich: Theological views of tax, Christian Aid, 2009

Winning Ideas: Lessons from free-market economics

Angus Ritchie and Sabina Alkire, Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative, 2008


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