About Us

We equip churches to transform their communities – through the practices of community organising, theological reflection and prayer. We also help them to use their resources more effectively for this mission. 

Values and ethos

CTC grew out of churches’ engagement in community organising, and out of their desire to root this work more deeply in prayer and theological reflection. The questions we address therefore emerge directly from the practice of local communities, and their desire to be more faithful and more effective in mission.

As our organisation has grown in size and reach, this accountability to local contexts remains absolutely central. It is one of six core values which guide our work. Click on the image below to see our six core values.


We seek to achieve CTC’s vision by developing local congregations, working with them to identify and train leaders, and equipping them to organise with their neighbours for justice.

We also engage in research – harnessing the tools of community organising and peer research so that our research both develops the voice of those who experience social and economic marginalisation and addresses their concerns and interests.

Until 2013 we were known as The Contextual Theology Centre. We changed our name to better describe our mission and aims.


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